Saturday, March 24, 2012

14 Days & Counting....

Holy Moly - It's almost here!

Had the almost final dress fitting today & IT FITS! It's even a little big... Guess I can go back to eating... Well, a little bit anyway. LoL!

Most of the plans are finalized and almost everything has been bought for the wedding and reception, so I feeling relatively calm.

We are getting excited and ready for the nice cruise afterwards!

Please let us know if you are able to make it to the reception. We would love to see you all!

Shelly & David

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Registry, gifting etc

Hi all:

Your attendance and/or well wishes are a special gift for us and please don't feel obligated.

I have, however, been asked to post our registry information for those that are so inclined. We have registered at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond for some basic kitchen and bath stuff. We have also registered on if that is easier for you! Here are the links:

Shelly and David

PS: 30 days, 6 hours, 54 mins, but who's counting?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reception Details!

Hello everyone!

According to my iPhone app, our wedding is only 31 days and 20 hours - e gads! We have finalized the details for the reception and we wanted to share with you, our loyal followers!

The reception will be on Saturday, May 5th from 1:30 pm to 430 pm at Rocco's Grill ( in Lakeway, Texas. Rocco's is at 900 Ranch Road 620, south of Mansfield Dam - basically right under the Lakeway water tower. We will be on the patio as long as the weather is nice!

We will have some fabulous Italian appetizers prepared by Rocco's along with cake, of course! There will be a cash bar and we highly recommend the bellini's - fabulous and refreshing! We will share some photos from the wedding and cruise if you are interested.

We hope you can join us in this celebration! We are working on another postcard invite to alert everyone, but please RSVP to in the meantime so we can save you some cake!

Shelly & David

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

52 days and counting!

Hi everyone!

Being the iPhone-addicted girl that I am, I downloaded an app to help me track things. It includes a countdown clock and it just keeps ticking!! As of this morning, we have 52 days until the big day! Yippee!

David & I are still trying to decide on just the right location for the reception, so don't worry... You haven't missed any announcements yet! We hope to have it settled in the next few days so stay tuned!

Please do let me or David know if you thinking you might be able to make any part of this celebration. It helps us make sure we get a big enough place for the reception & that we save you a spot on the beach!

Shelly & David
RSVPs to

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Postcards are out!

Looks like some of you have received the postcards already!

Please let us know if you think you can make any or all parts of the celebration by emailing me at or give us a call if you have questions.

Once we have the location and date of the reception set, we will send out a separate invitation with all the details.

Thank you again for the love and support!

Shelly & David

Saturday, January 28, 2012

THE PLAN... as we know it!

We are so excited and blessed to have you in our lives! You were added to our list of folks because we love you, appreciate your support and love over the years.

In an effort to help us share information that will likely be changing slightly before everything is complete, we thought this blog site might be the most efficient way to keep you all informed and allow you to see any other questions/answers that come up in the process.

As we said on the postcard, we would sincerely love it if you are able to join us at any points during this celebration - our wedding near Tampa, on our cruise to the Western Caribbean and/or our reception in Austin. As a couple who have been together for 8 years - April 11 will be the anniversary of our first date! - we want this celebration to include all the people we love. That said, we totally understand if you are not able to attend any part - we will still love you!!

So, here's the scoop so you can see if/when you can join us:

The wedding will be near Tampa Florida at Fort De Soto Park in Tierra Verde, just south of St. Petersburg on Saturday April 7 at 7p.m. (sunset).

We have booked the #1 picnic shelter at this state park. Information on the park can be found here:

We know there is a $5 park fee to enter the park and we will share any other details that might be helpful as we get them.

After the ceremony itself, there will be some pictures followed by some cake and punch. We may get a bite to eat after as well before we head to our hotel, but again the official  reception will back in Austin.

We are cruising on the Norwegian Star ship (no, not the people who crashed in Italy!) leaving Tampa on April 8. Ports of call include: Roatan in Hondoras, Belize City in Belize, Costa Maya and Cozumel in Mexico. If you are interested in the cruise, rooms start at $549 per person with two people minimum per room. You can call Norwegian directly at 1-866-234-7350, but we have had great luck with or As "seasoned" Norwegian cruisers, we can also try to answer questions you might have.

AIRFARE: If you are able to join us for the wedding and/or the following cruise, you should fly into the Tampa airport (TPA). Southwest Air ( does offer a direct flight from Austin, but there are many other options as well.

LODGING: So, apparently, our dates conflict with BOTH Easter Sunday and Spring Break. Hmpf! We have checked with several St. Petersburg hotels and have not found a place that would block a group of rooms for us at a reasonable rate. We highly recommend that you check into or to locate a room in the area. We will be staying with David's sister until Friday night when David will move to our honeymoon hotel and I will go spend the night with my Mom and sister, Amy.
As we said, we would love for you to join us in this celebration, but completely understand if you can't make it. Austin reception details to come - stay tuned!

Shelly & David

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ok, Let's get this party started!!

Hello? Hello out there?
This is my first attempt at not only a WEBSITE, but also a BLOG!

The plan is that I will post details about the wedding, the cruise and the reception here so you can come and read about it any time your little heart desires!

Ok, so let's see how this works.... Hold onto your hats folks!